Thursday, November 27, 2014

Blogging Tips: 4 Easy Ways to Improve SEO in Blogger

4 Easy Ways to Improve SEO in Blogger

There are A LOT of tips out there for bloggers and how to improve SEO! This post is designed to be an absolute basic tutorial on how to improve a few post settings to increase visibility. If you do not know what SEO is, it stands for Search Engine Optimization and can be your best friend. It is an easy way to increase traffic for free and should be utilized by everybody!

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Grilled Honey Sriracha Chicken Skewers

Grilled Honey Sriracha Chicken Skewers

On most days I say that chocolate and peppermint is my favorite flavor combo but today it is honey and sriracha... and possibly every day hereafter. 

This sauce gets all caramelized and sticky in the best way. Oh. My. God. I'm in love. It starts out sweet but not too sweet and then the heat creeps in. Oooh, that heat! I'm not one for overly spicy foods seeing how I don't like to sweat when I eat but this sauce has the perfect amount of non sweat-inducing heat. Also it can be tweaked for the individual palate so, I mean, it's basically perfect.

Caramel Apple Pie Bars

Caramel Apple Pie Bars

A few weeks ago I made this amazing creamy caramel sauce and I immediately knew I needed a vessel to smother with it. In the vein of how noodles are a vessel for sauce these bars were a way to put more of the caramel into my face. So I said "let there be caramel apple pie bars", and so it was, and it was delicious.

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Sweet Brown Butter Cornbread

Sweet Brown Butter Cornbead

As far as versatility goes, corn bread transcends the seasons... Summer, Winter, those other two! It can't be stopped. Bring it to a BBQ but keep a personal stash. Make a stuffing out of it but don't expect leftovers. I could go on but I have to finish the rest of this post then eat an entire batch of cornbread!

This particular incarnation of our superhero starch has a few trick's up its unitard sleeves. First, but not hardly the most exciting, there is sour cream all mixed in there for amazing moisture and texture. The acidity of the sour cream mixed with the baking soda makes this corn bread moist and light at the same time. Secondly, and absolutely the most exciting, is the addition of that old nutty friend, brown butter!

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Blogging Tips: How to Create Better Graphics for your Blog

How to create better graphics for your blog!
I have gotten a few emails about how I create the graphics for my blog so I decided to make a post about my favorite online resources!
Graphics are an important part of blogging, especially if you are a Pinterest user. Luckily, there are like, a crazy amount of resources out there to create awesome graphics for your blog! The sites listed are basic photo editing or graphic creating sites. If you want a more professional tool there are some great downloadable software programs... like Photoshop!

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Blogging Tips: Starting a Blog in 3 easy Steps!

Starting a Blog in 3 easy Steps!

Step 1: Naming and Hosting

OK- So obviously your blog needs a name, it seems simple but you should definitely put some though into it! Be creative to set yourself aside from other blogs but don't get too complicated. People should be able to remember it but not be confused by it- so complicated puns are out, sorry! Readers appreciate a good name- trust!

Perfectly Chewy Chocolate Orange Brownies

Perfectly Chewy Chocolate Orange Brownies

This is the kind of brownie recipe that makes you want to decorate a Christmas tree but also lay on a beach but definitely eat the entire batch. What I'm tying to say is that this recipe cannot and will not be pigeonholed. These milk chocolate brownies have the perfect amount of density with subtle orange essence and get all chewy around the edges in the best way. I am in love.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

12 (hot) Holiday Cocktails

Do you love having warm hands and also drinking alcohol? Then this collection is for you! It has 12 warm and seasonal drinks that will make you want to snuggle up by a fire and sip all night long!

12 (cold) Holiday Cocktails

Some would argue that the best part about the holidays is the alcohol. These same people are probably the smartest people you know... no correlation between the two, just an interesting coincidence. Here is a lovely collection of twelve uniquely festive drinks that are sure to warm up your holidays!

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

16 Appetizers with 5 Ingredients or Less!

The thing about appetizers is that they should be as easy to make as they are to eat. Each and every one of these amazing appetizers has only 5 ingredients or less! How is that even possible?!

Any one of these would be the perfect addition to any holiday, birthday, or dinner party no matter the season! There is something for everyone in this collection.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Garlic Roasted Asparagus

Perfect Garlic Roasted Asparagus

Now, I don't say this lightly because it's an idea I am still trying to fully convince myself to believe, but, sides are the showcase of any meal. I mean, they should not be hiding in the shadow of a main course, they each need their own distinct voice, while still becoming part of a fuller complex melody... Too much of a choir reference? Not sorry! Obviously this concept is becoming truer as we convert into the new and vastly improved notion that our protein should make up only 25% of our plates at any given meal. I know I can't be the only one who grew up in a house where the chicken got 50% and the mashed potatoes got the other half! Talk about a hard habit to break. A delicious, buttery, habit...

Monday, November 10, 2014

Creamy Caramel Sauce

Creamy Caramel Sauce from King's Bakery

Um, yeah, it's from a can but not in the way you think. Like, honestly this might be magic. I'm all for "from scratch" recipes but if there's an awesome never-heard-of-it-before trick to try, I'm obviously going to try it. This is the trick: boil a can of sweetened condensed milk for 3 hours and voila! Sweet, sticky, magic!

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